วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 31 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2556

New Electronic Weapon Military Missile

The United States Air Force Research Lab is doing great things to help protect our nation. Electronic Warfare is becoming more of an imperative than just another choice of strategic weaponry. There has been quite a bit of talk over the years over the concept of EM Pulse weapons, although that idea comes with other problems such as, the need for all those electronics after the first strike is completed. If the entire battlespace and surrounding cities go completely dark, then there are fewer chances for intercepting enemy communications for intelligence purposes.
Well, it appears that now there is a solution which will enable team USA to take out selective targets via electo-magnetic pulse. There was a great article in Gizmag on October 25, 2012 titled; "Knocks out electronic devices with a burst of energy," by David Szondy.

This is great technology, and very much needed. However, since this device will cost the taxpayer's millions of dollars, I'd like to add some additional capabilities. No, I am not suggesting we get in to endless "feature creep" demands as that just raises the costs quite frankly. But it would seem to me that we could consider a recovery system, for reuse.
Okay so, I suggest that this weapon needs a reliable recovery system. For instance fly to safe airspace and deploy a balloon from a compressed gas canister, then float away from the area via prevailing winds, then pick it up later by helicopter airborne capture. Plus, this system needs a self-destruct system if you cannot get it in time, or if it might be recovered in one piece by the enemy. In that case, it needs to explode in a million pieces or have a warhead on it so once it's mission is completed it simply flies to the final target for detonation as a smart munitions device.
Perhaps, it already has a self-destruct, if so that makes sense, if not, it needs one, just as our modern day highly sophisticated drones must. This system also should be deployable via B-52 bombers to get somewhat close and perhaps launch 5 or 6 of these per aircraft, this allows for maximum effectiveness creating a massive fog of war during the first strike.
Plus, it protects the next wave of sorties coming in for their targets. Such a one-two punch would offer a high percentage or success on any mission for the US Military. Remember, it's about winning. That is what matters. So, those are the recommendations, I'd like to put forth at this time. Please consider all this and think on it.
Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Future Military Technologies. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7353017
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