วันจันทร์ที่ 18 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2556

What Is Missile Guidance?

Missile Guidance is a general term which describes the range of strategies for guiding a missile to its objective. There are several guidance methods to attain a high "Single Shot Probability of a Kill" ( SSPK ), which is the common way of measuring of success. The precision and accuracy of the missile is essential in its efficiency at producing an excellent SSPK. Tracking additionally provides an essential function. High-quality tracking data can considerably influence SSPK. As soon as a missile is launched the primary handover errors at launch are propagated for the entire flight of the missile. These errors are either recovered by Missile Guidance or they constantly build over the entire flight. Missile Guidance is divided into two broad categories of guidance systems, Go-Into-Location-In-Space (GOLIS) and Go-Onto-Target (GOT).

Go-Onto-Location-In-Space ( GOLIS ) guidance systems are only able to target non moving targets and are used to supplement location info. These kinds of missile guidance systems consistently feature a guidance computer system and also typically have a missile tracker. These are called self-contained guidance systems. The missile tracker's function often is totally autonomous, dependent on natural sources or dependent on artificial sources. The 5 GOLIS guidance systems are presented below.
Go-Onto-Target Systems (GOT) may pursue both moving and constant targets and also always consist of three subsystems: Target tracker, Missile tracker, along with a Guidance computer. For Remote Control Guidance the guidance computer and target tracker are put on the launching platform. Updates, like current radar position are relayed by means of radio. Command Guidance controls the missile entirely from the launch platform by transmitting all controls instantly to the missile. The two variants are Command to Line-Of-Sight (CLOS) and Command Off Line-Of-Sight (COLOS).
Command to Line-Of-Sight (CLOS) uses on the angular coordinates between the missile along with the target to guarantee impact. The missile is confined to the line of sight ( LOS ) between the launcher and target and any existing errors are corrected. Manual CLOS is utilized to control missiles against vessels and also slow-moving bombers. Improvements in engineering have left manual CLOS ineffective and not used. Semi-Automatic CLOS is computerized apart from the operator monitoring the target. Semi-Automatic CLOS is often utilized against ground targets like tanks or bunkers. With Automatic CLOS the target tracking, missile tracking as well as missile control are fully automated.
Command Off Line-Of-Sight ( COLOS ) does not depend on angular coordinates like CLOS. It instead utilizes both the target as well as missile tracker to assess distance. COLOS is always automated, the trackers are not required to be the exact same orientation and radar is typically utilized as the main sensor. Two types of COLOS guidance are Homing and Fire and Forget which are explained at length below.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7604678
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